The Dudley Doright Skit

The only one who knows what is going on in this skit is the narrator. Everyone else is actual volunteers from the audience. It may work best if the narrator just wings it; here's one go at it.

"For this skit, I need four volunteers from the audience. You, you, you, and you. Now this is the Dudley Doright skit. You're going to be Snydely Whiplash, the evil villian. Can you do an evil villian laugh?"

whiplash "Hnuck, hnuck hnuck!"

"Well I suppose that will do. How about, 'Curses, foiled again'?"

whiplash "Curses, Foiled Again!"

"OK, stand there and look evil and scheming. Now you will be Dudley Doright, the Canadian Mountie, the hero. I need you to say, 'I'll save you, Nell!'."

Dudley"I'll save you, Nell!"

"Fine, fine. You, you're Nell. You're a maiden in distress. Look more distressed. Now cry for help."

"Help! Help! Oh save me, Dudley!"

"And you have to say, 'My hero!' whenever I mention Dudley. Dudley."

"My Hero!"

"Um, yes. And you're Dudley's horse, Horse. Look horselike. Now our continuing Stooory begins with the evil Snydely Whiplash carrying off Nell (Whiplash, you're supposed to be carrying Nell. Pick her up, carry her. Keep looking evil.), where was I, carrying Nell to the railroad tracks and tying her in front of the approaching train."

"In, fact, let's have a fifth volunteer" pick someone large "You're the train. You're going to run over over Nell if Dudley doesn't rescue her."

"Now where was I. Ah, Snydely Whiplash is carrying off Nell. He's tying her to the railroad tracks. He gives an evil laugh. Nell is crying for help. The train is chugging along the track in the distance, slowly approaching. Dudley hears Nell's cries for help, and he rides to the rescue."

"When Snydely Whiplash sees Dudley Doright, he starts quaking in his boots" Snydely bites his fingernails and shakes his knees.

"Dudley, the very image of manhood, is about to foil Snydely's schemes. He flexes his muscles. He does jumpingjacks. He does pushups."

"Snydely, sensing the opportunity, sits on Dudley, and gives an evil laugh, as the train comes closer and closer!"

"Horse, peacefully grazing, nibbles through Nell's ropes."

"Nell escapes! She pulls Snydely back and sits on him! Snydely curses."

"Curses! Foiled again!"

"While Dudley, brushing himself off, wanders in front of the oncoming train! What will happen next? Will Dudley survive? Will Snydely ever succeed? And what about Horse? Stay tuned for our next exciting episode of Dudley Doright, the Canadian Mountie!"

Eat That Food

This very straightforward skit requires a lot of some sort of food (biscuits, marshmallows, or bananas are good), and volunteers. Contestants bet how long it would take them to eat ten marshmallows. Whoever bets lowest actually has to do it in that period of time.

"I can eat ten marshmallows in twenty seconds."

"I can do it in ten."

"I can do it in five."

"Eat that food!"

Fred the Trained Flea

"Here in my hand is Fred the Trained Flea. Fred will perform for you some amazing feats. Watch closely."

"Fred, do jumping jacks! Very good! Cheer, everyone!"

"Fred, do a somersault!"

"Fred, do a high jump!" Watch him go way up, then back down.

"Now Fred will do a long jump. I need a volunteer to catch Fred." Pick a scoutmaster, or someone in authority.

"Fred, do a longjump!" Watch Fred jump to the volunteer "Oh! He seems to have jumped into your hair!"

Walk over to the volunteer, start picking through their hair. "Here we are .. no, that's not Fred." toss the flea over your shoulder "Ah! No, that's not Fred." "That's not Fred." "Fred, are you in there?" "That's not Fred either." "Boy, there's a lot of fleas in here." "Fred? Fred?" ...

The German POW Camp

A colonel standing straight and goosestepping is followed by five prisoners of war, hunched and tired and cold.

"Ziss iss a P.O.W. Camp, and you vill march!"

The last prisoner sneezes"Achoo!"

The guard turns around "Who iss it who sneezed? Did you sneeze?"

First prisoner: "No"

"Liar!" The colonel shoots the first prisoner, who falls down dead. They keep marching.

The last person sneezes. "Achoo!"

... and so on, until the colonel has killed all but the last prisoner, and they are still marching. The last prisoner sneezes again, "Achoo!"

The guard turns around "Who iss it who sneezed? Did you sneeze?"

"Yes, it was me"

"Gesundheit!" and they march off stage.

Is it Time Yet?

Five people are sleeping side by side in a tent. A little guy on one end, the scoutmaster on the other.

After a 10-second wait, the little guy climbs over everyone, shakes the Scoutmaster awake, and asks, "Is it time yet?"

"No, it's not time yet, go back to sleep" The little guy crawls back.

After a 10-second wait, the little guy climbs over everyone, shakes the Scoutmaster awake, and asks, "Is it time yet?"

"No, it's not time yet, go back to sleep" The little guy crawls back.

After a 10-second wait, the little guy climbs over everyone, shakes the Scoutmaster awake, and asks, "Is it time yet?"

"Yes, it is time!" Everyone gets up, then goes back to sleep in a different order. Something like 1,2,3,4,5 => 4,1,5,3,2. (Omigod, I specified a permutation in a scout skit. There is no hope for me.)

The Infantry

A scout runs in to a camp of soldiers yelling "The infantry is coming! The infantry is five miles away!" The soldiers look up, mumble, and act nervous.

A scout runs into the camp of soldiers yelling "The infantry is coming! The infantry is one mile away!" The soldiers stand up and start gathering their gear.

A scout runs into the camp of soldiers yelling "The infantry is coming! They're just over the hill!" All the soldiers scream and run away, opposite direction that the scout came from.

Two people run in from the direction the scouts came from, carrying an infant tree. They run after the soldiers.

The Four Seasons

The narrator narrates, everyone else is volunteers.

"I need eleven volunteers for this skit."

"This skit is called the Four Seasons. You three are trees. You three are leaves in trees, get up in the trees. You're poison ivy, cling to the roots of one of the trees. You're tree's blood, you run through the trees. You two are birds, flit from tree to tree and sing. And you're the babbling brook. You have to babble."

"Babble babble babble babble ..."

"In the spring, the leaves come out on the trees. The birds flit from tree to tree."

"In the summer, the leaves open up and the sun shines down on the forest. The birds form flocks"

"In the fall, the leaves drop from the trees. The birds fly away south."

"In the winter, the brook freezes and stops babbling. All seems still in the forest. But beneath it all there is still life. Look! The sap is still running!"

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