#pragma once #include "bigfloat.h" // polynomials, with addition and multiplication and evaluation // _a has _len terms, for x^^0 .. x^^(_len-1) class Poly { public: Poly() { Zero(); } Poly(const Poly& p) { Copy(p); } Poly(const BigFloat& v1, const BigFloat& v2) { Set(v1, v2); } ~Poly() {} Poly& Zero(); Poly& One(); Poly& SetAt(int index, const BigFloat& d); Poly& Set(const BigFloat& v1, const BigFloat& v2); int Length() const { return _len; } const BigFloat& At(int index) const; BigFloat Eval(const BigFloat& x) const; double EvalDouble(const BigFloat& x) const; Poly& Copy(const Poly& p); Poly& Add(const Poly& p); Poly& Mult(const Poly& p); Poly& Mult(const BigFloat& d); void Show() const; private: static const int c_max = 40; BigFloat _a[c_max]; int _len; }; // An nth degree Lagrange interpolation for f from start to finish class Lagrange { public: void Init( BigFloat (*f)(const BigFloat&, void* context), void* context, const BigFloat& start, const BigFloat& finish, int n); virtual ~Lagrange(); virtual void DefineSupport() = 0; // Given n points (a[i],v[i]), set *(p[i]) to the ith Lagrange polynomial void Ortho(); // Interpolate f(x) BigFloat Eval(const BigFloat& x) const; // Interpolate f(x) double EvalDouble(const BigFloat& x) const; // absolute value of difference between interpolation and f at x BigFloat Delta(const BigFloat& x) const; // absolute value of difference between interpolation and f at x double DeltaDouble(const BigFloat& x) const; // sample several points in the interval and return the worst delta seen BigFloat WorstDelta() const; // sample several points in the interval and return the worst delta seen double WorstDeltaDouble() const; // get the actual interpolation polynomial const Poly& GetPoly() const { return _p; } protected: BigFloat (*_f)(const BigFloat&, void*); // the function to interpolate void* _context; // context for the function BigFloat _start; // start of interval BigFloat _finish; // end of interval int _n; // degree of interpolation polynomial BigFloat *_s; // indexes of n+1 support points BigFloat *_v; // values of n+1 support points Poly *_o; // orthogonal polynomials for n+1 support points Poly _p; // the Lagrange polynomial for this interval }; // _n+1 Chebyshev nodes between -1 and 1 class Chebyshev : public Lagrange { public: Chebyshev(BigFloat (*f)(const BigFloat&, void* context), void* context, const BigFloat& start, const BigFloat& finish, int n) { Init(f, context, start, finish, n); } ~Chebyshev() {} void DefineSupport() { for (int i=0; i<=_n; ++i) { BigFloat pii(i); pii.Mult(BigFloat::Pi()).Div(_n).Cos().Negate(); _s[i].Copy(pii); } } }; // Equally spaced nodes, two apart, centered on 0 class EqualSpacing : public Lagrange { public: EqualSpacing(BigFloat (*f)(const BigFloat&, void* context), void *context, const BigFloat& start, const BigFloat& finish, int n) { Init(f, context, start, finish, n); } ~EqualSpacing() {} // generate _n+1 equally-spaced nodes, each 2 apart, centered on 0 void DefineSupport() { for (int i=0; i<=_n; ++i) { BigFloat si(i); si.Mult(2).Sub(_n); _s[i].Copy(si); } } }; // Equally spaced nodes, two apart, centered on 0 class ThirdSpacing : public Lagrange { public: ThirdSpacing(BigFloat (*f)(const BigFloat&, void* context), void *context, const BigFloat& start, const BigFloat& finish, int n) { Init(f, context, start, finish, n); } ~ThirdSpacing() {} // generate _n+1 equally-spaced nodes, each 2/3 apart, centered on 0 void DefineSupport() { BigFloat spacing(2); spacing.Div(3); for (int i=0; i<=_n; ++i) { BigFloat si(i); si.Mult(spacing).Sub(_n); _s[i].Copy(si); } } };